The New York Art Residency and Studios (NARS) Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit arts organization committed to supporting artists and curators on an international level as well engaging the local community in Brooklyn and the Greater New York area. NARS provides an array of creative support services and professional development opportunities to artists through its international residency program, progressive exhibition programs, and engaging public programs. These services operate in conjunction with our community outreach initiatives to promote greater accessibility to contemporary art for the under-served local community in south Brooklyn. Our mission is to present diverse platforms on which to nurture creative inspiration and innovative cross-pollination of ideas.

 If you have any further questions, please contact or call us at 718-768-2765. 


This application is for INTERNATIONAL Applicants ONLY. US based artists must apply through our open call periods in either the spring or the fall via the US based application. 

Please review the International Artist Residency Program Application Guidelines prior to beginning your application and submitting your proposal.

Open but incomplete application forms and forms not accompanied by an application fee will not be processed.

If you are an international artist residing in the US for over 3 years, you are eligible to apply as a US Based applicant to our Open Calls. The next Open Call for US Based artists will be in September 2024. 

International Applicants may apply for three-month and six-month residencies or longer. Three-month residencies are the length of one season, and six-month residencies will span across two seasons. We are currently accepting applications on a rolling basis for 2024 - 2025. 

PROGRAM FEE: In 2025 the fee for a three month residency will be $9,122, six months is $17,332. Artists are responsible for securing their own funding for the program fee. A list of previous International funders for the residency may be found on our website.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are selected for the program, a deposit of $2,000 will be due within 30 days of confirming your acceptance, in order to secure your spot for the program. This deposit will be applied to the total program fee balance once the program begins. 

ELIGIBILITY: The program is open to all international visual artists with an active professional practice of at least three years. All information submitted on the application form, C.V. and support materials must be in English. Students are not eligible to apply.

APPLICATION FEE: A non-refundable application fee of $35 (US) is required with each application. Payment must be submitted via credit card through the online application form payment system. After you complete and submit your application, you will be directed to a confirmation page and a link to pay your application fee. The application fee must be paid at the time of submitting your application as you will not be able to re-log-in to access the payment page again. 

NOTIFICATION: Notifications of the results will be sent via e-mail in accordance with the following schedule. If you do not receive a result from us within these timelines, please send us an email at

If you apply in January, February, or March, you’ll receive results in April / May.

If you apply in April, May, or June, you’ll receive results in July / August.

If you apply in July, August, or September, you’ll receive results in October / November.

If you apply in October, November, or December, you’ll receive results in January / February.

APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must apply using this online application form. Please review the application requirements listed below before beginning your application. Note that there are two separate applications for US-Based artists and International artists. If you have resided in the US for three years or longer, you are eligible to apply as a US-Based artist.

It is advised that all applicants create a log-in to be able to partially complete the form and return to finish it at a later date. Before submitting your application, you will be directed to a confirmation page where you will be able to review your form and return to edit or delete your uploaded files as needed. Once you submit your application, you will not be able to access your form again. Applicants will receive a confirmation email once the application form has been successfully submitted.

All information submitted on the application form, C.V. and support materials must be in English.

  1. NAME OF APPLICANT & CONTACT INFORMATION: Applicants must provide a current address and, if applicable, an alternate/permanent address.
  2. C.V.: A copy of your most up to date CV should be uploaded in either Word or PDF format. Include your date and place of birth, and citizenship. Name your CV file “Artist’s Last Name_Artist’s First Name.doc/pdf.” The collaborating partner’s information and CV must also be submitted.
  3. RESIDENCY TERM PREFERENCE: Applicants must select their preferred residency term plus one alternative date from the available terms for each open call. A residency term may be three months long or the length of one season or six-months spanning across two seasons. Please refer to the application to check which terms we are currently accepting submissions for.
  4. RESIDENCY PROPOSAL/GOALS & ARTIST STATEMENT: Applicants will be required to write two brief statements that detail: the proposed residency project or activities (400 words) and an Artist Bio (300 words).
  5. WORK SAMPLE: Artists may upload up to 10 work samples, a combination of images and/or audio, video files. Artists may also provide video links (from their personal site or from video hosting sites such as Vimeo or youtube). Images should be in JPEG format no larger than 1000 pixels on any side @ 72 dpi. Format each jpeg file name as “Artist’s Last NameArtist’s First Name1.jpg,” “Artist’s Last Name_ Artist’s First Name_2.jpg,” etc.
  6. WORK SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Each uploaded image or video link must be accompanied by a corresponding Work Sample Description which lists the Title, Year, Medium, Dimensions of the artwork.

         Applications containing images and documents that are not labeled or uploaded according to the guidelines above will NOT be reviewed. Images will not be accepted by email.

NON-DISCRIMINATION: The program encourages and welcomes the participation of artists from all backgrounds and does not discriminate with regard to age, race, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, marital status, or nation of origin in its admission policies.

SELECTION: Eligible applications will be reviewed and selected on the merit of artistic quality; proposed project and studio practice; and the potential professional development and benefit from engaging with the NARS community and programs.

NOTIFICATION: Notifications of the results will be sent via e-mail. Please make sure that the email address provided on the application form is an account that you check regularly. A Letter of Acceptance for use in obtaining additional funding support or visas can be requested after you receive your email notification of acceptance. Please visit our website to see the full rolling application schedule and when you will receive notification, or email us at


For US Applicants ONLY
   The current open call accepts applications for Season I 2025 (January - March), and Season II 2025 (April - June). 

All applications must be completed and submitted by Monday, September 23, 2024 11:59pm. Late submissions will not be accepted. Open but incomplete application forms and forms not accompanied by an application fee will not be processed. *If you have any questions please contact us at, or call NARS (718-768-2765) from Monday to Friday, between 11 am and 5 pm. 

FELLOWSHIP FOR US Based APPLICANTS: NARS subsidizes the cost of the three-month residency for all US-based applicants through Partial Fellowships. Partial Fellowship recipients will be responsible for a program fee of $2,844 in 2025, which can be paid in full or in monthly installments. Beginning in 2023, one US based artist per season of the International Residency program will be awarded a Full Fellowship. The International Residency Full Fellowship will completely cover all program fees for the International Residency and all the criteria for the Full Fellowship is listed in the application form. Artists must fill out the relevant section on their application form to be considered for the Full Fellowship. Full Fellowships will not be awarded retroactively for previous seasons. Once an artist has been selected for the Full Fellowship and confirmed their residency season, they will not be able to defer to a later season. The artist is strictly, not allowed to attend another residency programs at the same period of time. The studio is a work-space only. Artists who need additional funding and support for partial fellowships, travel, materials, and accommodations should apply to other sources. 

PROGRAM DEPOSIT: If selected as a US Based artist with a Partial Fellowship, you will be responsible for a program deposit of $1,500 to be paid within 30 days of confirming your acceptance to the program. This deposit will be applied to the program fee balance once the Residency begins. Full Fellowship recipients are not required to pay a deposit or any other program fees. 

ELIGIBILITY: The program is open to all visual artists with an active professional practice of at least three years in the US. All information submitted on the application form, C.V. and support materials must be in English.

APPLICATION FEE: A non-refundable application fee of $35 (US) is required with each application. Payment must be submitted via credit card through the online application form payment system, for your submission to be complete. This fee covers basic administrative costs and will compensate juror(s).
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Open Call applicants must apply using this online form. Please review the application requirements listed below before beginning your application. *Note that there are two separate applications for US-Based artists and International artists.* International artists residing in the US for over three years are eligible to apply as a US-Based artist. It is advised that all applicants create a log-in to be able to partially complete the form and return to finish it at a later date. Before submitting your application, you will be directed to a confirmation page where you will be able to review your form and return to edit or delete your uploaded files as needed. Once you submit your application, you will not be able to access your form again. Applicants will receive a confirmation email once the application form has been successfully submitted. All information submitted on the application form, C.V. and support materials must be in English.
NAME OF APPLICANT & CONTACT INFORMATION: Applicants must provide a current address and, if applicable, an alternate/permanent address. C.V.: A copy of your most up to date CV should be uploaded in either Word or PDF format. Please make sure to include date and place of birth. Name your CV file “Artist’s Last Name_Artist’s First Name.doc/pdf.” The collaborating partner's information and CV must also be submitted. 

RESIDENCY TERM PREFERENCE: Applicants must select one preferred residency term. Accepted artists will NOT be able to defer their residency.
RESIDENCY PROPOSAL/GOALS & ARTIST STATEMENT: Applicants will be required to write two brief statements that detail: the proposed residency project or activities (400 words) and an Artist Statement/Bio (300 words).
WORK SAMPLE: Artists may upload up to 10 work samples, a combination of images and/or audio, video files. Artists may also provide video links (from their personal site or from video hosting sites such as Vimeo or YouTube). Images should be in JPEG format no larger than 1000 pixels on any side @ 72 dpi. Format each jpeg file name as “Artist’s Last Name_Artist’s First Name1.jpg,” “Artist’s Last Name_ Artist’s First Name_2.jpg,” etc.
WORK SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Each uploaded image or video must be accompanied by a corresponding Work Sample Description which lists the Title, Year, Medium, Dimensions of the artwork.
PLEASE NOTE: Applications containing images and documents that are not labeled or uploaded according to the guidelines above will NOT be reviewed. Images will not be accepted by email.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: The program encourages and welcomes the participation of artists from all backgrounds and does not discriminate with regard to age, race, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, marital status, or nation of origin in its admission policies.
SELECTION: A jury consisting of NARS staff and select art professionals will review eligible applications on the merit of artistic quality; proposed project and studio practice; and the potential professional development and benefit from engaging with the NARS community and programs.
NOTIFICATION: Notifications of the results will be sent via email within four weeks of the deadline. Please make sure that the email address provided on the application form is an account that you check regularly. A Letter of Acceptance for use in obtaining additional funding support or visas can be requested after you receive your email notification of acceptance.


Call for Proposals 2026
    NARS is pleased to invite exhibition proposals for solo and group curated exhibitions for 2026. Exhibition proposals from both artists and curators will be considered for solo or group exhibitions for our Main Gallery Space and the Project Space, designed for smaller and more dynamic programming.
    In line with our mission, NARS exhibitions present compelling and innovative ideas and work being produced on a local, national, and international level. These exhibitions create a platform showcasing artistic developments in contemporary arts and a forum for exchanging ideas.
    NARS invites artists, curators, collectives, cultural producers, and thinkers to propose solo or group exhibitions that reflect our mission to foster and represent important artistic directions and critical dialogue in contemporary art and culture writ large. NARS will invite selected applicants to further develop proposals and provide the space, support, and resources to mount ambitious and compelling exhibitions. A small honorarium will be provided to the selected artist or curator. Proposals will be considered and developed for either exhibition space, for shows running from 4-5 weeks, at NARS' discretion.

Eligibility & Requirements
    All artists and curators regardless of age, gender, and nationality are eligible to apply.
    Artists who are or will be enrolled in a college or university art degree-granting program are not eligible to apply.
    Curators may submit proposals for new curated group shows with 3-5 artists.
    Proposed artists must be contacted by curators prior to application submission confirming their interest and availability.
    Artists and curators who have previously exhibited at NARS must wait two (2) full years before submitting another proposal, but curatorial proposals may include previously exhibited or NARS residency artists.
    Applicants may only submit one exhibition proposal, whether individually or on a team, per Open Call.

PLEASE NOTE: The NARS Galleries are non-for-profit, and operate differently then a commercial gallery might. Artists and curators applying for the Exhibition Open Call should plan to be able to install the majority of the works themselves. NARS can provide limited support as needed, and can also provide basic technology and tools for installation. NARS is not able to facilitate or cover the costs of shipping artworks to & from the gallery space, however, if selected, artists and / or curators will receive an honorarium at the end of the exhibition, to help offset some of these costs.

    *If you have any questions please contact us at, or call NARS: 718-768-2765 from Monday to Friday, between 11 am and 5 pm.

    • Contact Information
    • Artist/Curatorial Resume(s) (PDF or Word): Upload a single document containing the resumes of all of the artists included in the exhibition proposal. Upload up to three (3) resumes for curators in a single file.
    • Proposed Exhibition Title
    • Names of Artists for curated exhibitions
    • Exhibition Proposal (limit 500 words): Provide a statement describing the concept of your proposed exhibition.
    • Up to 10 Work Samples composed of Images, text, audio, or video. Images should be in JPEG format no larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels @ 72 dpi. Format each file name as “Artist’s last name_Artist’s first name_1.jpg,” “Artist’s last name_ Artist’s first name_2.jpg,” etc.
    • Work Sample Information List: Provide any contextual or technical information related to your work sample.
    The galleries at NARS Foundation are located on the second and fourth floor of an industrial building surrounded by artists’ studios in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Please review photographs of previous exhibitions as well as the floor plan, prior to developing and submitting your proposal. Please note that budget availability depends on the year’s funding and will be discussed with each applicant invited to further develop their proposal. 

Curatorial Fellowship Overview
   NARS Foundation is pleased to announce the continuation of our Curatorial Fellowship program, to run concurrently with the International Residency Program seasons, and will be held in our Sunset Park location in Brooklyn. The Curatorial Fellow will work closely with the artists-in-residence and NARS Staff to develop an exhibition to be shown in the NARS Galleries.

During the six-month fellowship period, curators will engage with and develop an exhibition with each of the two cohorts of International Residency Artists. Each International Residency season runs for three months, and the exhibition developed by the curatorial fellow will be on view during the final month of each season.

The Curatorial Fellow will conduct studio visits with each artist-in-residence and develop a cohesive curatorial plan for the group exhibition, with works from each of the current artists-in-residence. Curatorial Fellows are expected to be present in the studio space & NARS office for at least two days a week. Fellows will also write a press release for each exhibition. Curatorial Fellows will receive a $3,000 stipend for the 6 month fellowship. 

This is a unique opportunity for emerging curators to work with artists from a multitude of backgrounds and disciplines. The Fellowship is designed to both complement and enhance the well-established International Residency Program, and further foster new perspectives and diversity of experiences for both the Curator and Residency Artists. 

Eligibility & Requirements
  Curators of any age, gender, and nationality are eligible to apply. Curators must be currently based in New York City, and have lived in NYC for at least 3 years. Emerging curators are highly encouraged to apply.
   Curators who are or will be enrolled in a college or university art degree-granting program during the Curatorial Fellowship period are not eligible to apply.
   Finalists will be notified and interviewed by the NARS Program Manager and NARS Founding Director. The two curatorial fellows for 2025 will be selected and notified after the interview process.
    *If you have any questions please contact us at, or call NARS: 718-768-2765, from Monday to Friday, between 11 am and 5 pm.

    • Contact Information
    • Curatorial Resume / CV (PDF or Word)
    • Statement of interest in the fellowship and in working with the International Residency Artists
    • Up to 10 Work Samples composed of Images, text, audio, or video. Images should be in JPEG format no larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels @ 72 dpi. Format each file name as “Artist’s last name_Artist’s first name_1.jpg,” “Artist’s last name_ Artist’s first name_2.jpg,” etc.
    • Work Sample Information List: Provide any contextual or technical information related to your work sample.

NARS Foundation